This Trac instance is not used for development anymore!

We migrated our development workflow to git and Gitea.
To test the future redirection, replace trac by ariadne in the page URL.

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For everyone:

NOTE: Some of the gameplay details in the following manuals might be slightly outdated.

For developers and those interested in the latest progress

For programmers:

For artists:

For modders:

For map makers:

For translators:

Other useful information

Technical Design Documentation

WARNING: Much of the documentation below is hopelessly outdated or contains ideas which have never been implemented. It is being updated – as of 2024-01-22 –, but in the meantime if you're unsure about something, ask one of the official developers. Also contact Stan or Beau before translating anything here.

Last modified 9 months ago Last modified on 01/22/24 19:47:36
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.